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Mantanani Island      美人鱼岛

Mantanani  Island  美人鱼岛

08.00Am - Pick Up At Hotel

08.30Am - Transfer To Jetty

10.30Am - Reach Jetty

11.00Am - Transfer To Island

03.00Pm - Back To Kota Kinabalu


     Mantanani Islands are a group of three isolated islands located northwest of Kota Belud, about an hour’s drive from the state capital of Sabah, Kota Kinabalu. Mantanani islands are approximately 55 minutes boat ride by speedboat from the mainland Kuala Abai Jetty. Mantanani islands, shaped like knife, has beach that stretches up to 2.500 metres. The fact, that this island has never been commercialized, secures its hidden secrets. The island promises the most diverse marine life with visibility up to 40 metres. One of the main reason that Mantanani island is popular for local and tourists alike is because of her picturesque scenery, cool breezes and serena environment.



      美人鱼群岛是一组位于哥打毛律(Kota Belud)西北部,距离沙巴州首府哥打京那巴鲁(Kota Kinabalu)约一个小时车程的三个孤岛。这些岛屿从陆上乘快艇需要船程约60分钟(取决于海况)。岛屿拥有洁白的沙滩,摇曳的椰子树,清澈湛蓝的海水和充满了无数的海洋生物,这里是浮潜,潜水或环岛游的最佳地点。美人鱼群岛吸引了众多当地人和游客观光的主要原因之一是因为有一个特殊和罕见的生物,称为“儒艮”或海牛,也濒临绝迹的海洋生物之一,几近矜贵。所以你必须要非常幸运才能够发现它们!如果有幸见到儒艮的踪迹,肯定会有非一般的奇遇经历。


Things You Should Bring

  • Log book and diver certification card (For Diver Only)

  • Sun block lotion

  • Towel

  • Suitable outfit for diving

  • Extra change of clothing

  • Personal toiletries

  • Insect repellent

  • Hat / Cap

  • Raincoat


  • 潜水记录簿和潜水证(潜水者而已)

  • 防晒霜

  • 毛巾

  • 适合潜水的服饰

  • 额外的换洗衣物

  • 个人洗洁用品

  • 驱蚊用品

  • 帽子

  • 雨衣

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