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Kawa-Kawa Wetland 咔哇咔哇红树林

Kawa-Kawa Wetland 咔哇咔哇红树林

12.00Pm - Pick Up At Hotel

12.30Pm - Transfer To Kawa

02.00Pm - Reach Kawa

02.15Pm - High Tea

04.00Pm - Visit Probocis Monkey

06.00Pm - Dinner

07.00Pm - Fireflies Tour

09.00Pm - Back To Hotel

Kawa-Kawa River Cruise


    after a delicious local lunch is the Kawa Kawa River Cruise, look out for the animals that call the wetlands, and the mostly untouched surrounding mangrove forest, home. These include proboscis monkeys, long-tailed macaques, water buffalos, river otters and the rare silvered leaf monkey.
Conclude the tour by gathering on the beach to take in the fantastic sight of the sun setting over the calm waters of South China Sea. Once dark, it's time to head back to the river where the boat will meet with thousands of fireflies stretching from bank to bank, lighting up the river in spectacular fashion.


咔哇红树林夕阳游船 - 长鼻猴和萤火虫之旅

            当我们提到沙巴探访长鼻猴和夜赏萤火虫的行程,第一时间一定想雨林秘境的咔哇咔哇红树林。位于哥打毛律的Kawa Kawa河近年限制每日游客人数,是沙巴保育最完善的红树林。你有机会在树林中看到马来西亚婆罗洲特有的长鼻猴成群结队在黄昏时刻觅食,在日落时分欣赏海岸线上美丽的夕阳。夜幕低垂后,满天飞舞的萤火虫营造的奇幻灯光秀更让人目不暇给、美不胜收!

Thing You Should Bring

  • Raincoat or umbrella

  • Binoculars

  • Sunblock lotion

  • Sun hat

  • Insect repellent


  • 雨衣或雨伞

  • 双筒望远镜

  • 防晒乳液

  • 太阳帽

  • 驱蚊用品

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