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Kiulu Water Rafting Grade 1-2

Kiulu Water Rafting Grade 1-2 九路河1-2级激流舟

Morning Session Only

08.00Am - Pick Up At Hotel

08.10Am - Transfer To Kiulu

09.15Am - Briefing

09.30Am - Start Of Tour

01.00Pm - Back To Hotel

Kiulu Water Rafting

     Kiulu River is a great river for beginners, both elderly and kids may join this trip thus makes it suitable for a family trip.Trip begins with a safety briefing session conducted by our professional raft guide that will demonstrates rafting techniques and proper handling of rafting equipment before rafting commences. Excursion covers up to 15km, making it the longest white water rafting trip in Borneo, It may covers 7km on medium water level. The journey will take about 1 ½ - 2 hours of rafting before reaching the ending point where delicious barbecue lunch prepared just by the riverbank.



       专车从哥打京那巴鲁市的酒店在早上启程前往九鲁河(约 1 个半小时的车程)。车程途中将通过农村绿油油的稻田区和洋溢清新气息的乡下村庄,天气晴朗时有机会看到高耸的哥打京那巴鲁山。抵达后,将有专人讲解有关安全措施和急流河的各种指南。接下来将分发激流头盔,救生衣和船桨等工具给大家。 接下来 9 公里(约 1 小时30分钟)的激流泛舟,您将会感受到肾上腺素兴奋的在血液中飚动,沿途会经过不少惊险刺激的激流与转角。对于初次体验者,绝对难忘。 到达终点后,个别更换干净衣服,并在返回哥打京那巴鲁酒店前先在九鲁河享受一顿午餐。

Thing You Should Bring

  • Sun Lotion

  • Towel

  • Dry Bags/ Plastic Bags ( Highly Recommended) 

  • Waterproof Phone Case (If you wish to bring your phone on the raft)

  • Additional set of clothing to change

  • Personal toiletries

  • Insect repellent


  • 拖鞋

  • 防晒霜

  • 毛巾

  • T-恤/泳装/泳裤

  • 替换的服饰

  • 个人洗洁用品

  • 驱蚊用品


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