Padas Water Rafting Grade 3-4
Padas Water Rafting Grade 3-4 巴达士河3-4级激流舟
Morning Session Only
07.00Am - Pick Up At Hotel
09.00Am - Transfer To Beaufort Railway
10.15Am - Enjoy Some Refreshment
10.50Am - Start Of Tour
05.00Pm - Back To Hotel
Padas Water Rafting
Padas River is situated in the interior of southwestern part of Kota Kinabalu that is only accessible by train (used since the late 19th century in Borneo). Basically, this trip will give you two experiences advantages –
1) Excursion of Class III-IV river
2) A uniquely ride in an antique train.
The adrenaline rush excursion covers a distance of 9km of this rather muddy 200 km river that holds 7 exciting and tough rapids! These rapid carries amusing names such as Merry-Go-Round Rapid, Break Point Rapid, Scooby Doo Rapid, Cobra Rapid, Curve Rapid, Lambada Rapid and Head Hunter Rapid. Each rapid will give you the feel of the motion as what the name means.
巴达士被列为III-IV级河,位于哥打京那巴鲁西南部。唯一能够前往的交通,只能乘坐旧式古董火车(自 19 世纪后期在婆罗洲就开始使用),沿途的风光景色,肯定让您大开眼界。这条河流相当浑浊,奔湍的流道长达九公里,涵盖了八处急流,而且都被依水势的不同特性,冠上滑稽得令人会心的名称,即旋转木马急流、断裂极限急流、史古比都急流、眼镜蛇急流、弯曲急流、洗衣机急流、兰巴达急流和猎头者急流。这个令人兴奋的感官刺激之旅将带你到六英尺高,惊险刺激的IV级波激流河。从激流冲下来到这个野生巴达斯河,你会体验到完全没有接触过的大自然野生的一面。激流飙筏后,即享受一顿丰盛的河边午餐。往哥打京那巴鲁回程将由漫天红霞的日落景色陪伴您,快来一起体验这美妙的旅程吧!
Thing You Should Bring
Sun Lotion
Dry Bags/ Plastic Bags
Waterproof Phone Case (If you wish to bring your phone on the raft)
Additional set of clothing to change
Personal toiletries
Insect repellent
Extra pocket money